List of snakes occurring in the reserve
Updated January 2011
Download PDFCommon Name | Scientific name | |
1 | Lesser worm snake | Leptotphlops conjunctus incognitus |
2 | Giant blind snake | Typhlops s. schelgellii |
3 | Southern african python | Python sebae natalensis |
4 | Brown house snake | Lamprophis fuliginosus |
5 | Variegated wolf snake | Lycophidion variegatum |
6 | Mole snake | Pseudaspis cana |
7 | Cape file snake | Mehelya c. capensis |
8 | Black file snake | Mehelya nyassae |
9 | Rufous beaked snake | Rhamphiobis oxyrhynehus |
10 | Stripe-bellied sand snake | Psammophis s. subtaeniatus |
11 | Olive grass snake | Psammophis phillipsii |
12 | Bibron's burrowing asp | Atractaspis bibronii |
13 | Purple-glossed snake | Amblyodipsas polylepsis |
14 | Cape centipede-eater | Aparallactus capensis |
15 | Spotted bush snake | Philothamus s. semivariegatus |
16 | Common egg eater | Dasypeltis scabra |
17 | Red-lipped or Herald snake | Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia |
18 | Tiger snake | Telescopus s. semiannulatus |
19 | Boomslang | Dispholidus t. typus |
20 | Vine snake | Thelotornis c. capensis |
21 | Lowveld shield-nosed snake | Aspidelaps scutatus intermedius |
22 | Sundevall's garter snake | Elapsoidea sundevallii media |
23 | Snouted cobra | Naja annulifera |
24 | Mozambique spitting cobra | Naja mossambica |
25 | Black mamba | Dendroaspis polylepis |
26 | Common night adder | Causus rhombeatus |
27 | Puff adder | Bitis a. arietans |
28 | Eastern bark snake - Mopani snake | Hemirhaggerhis nototaenia |
29 | Marbled tree snake | Dipsadoboa aulica |
30 | Schlegel's beaked blind snake | Rhinotyphlops schlegelii |
The original list was compiled by Dr. Niels Jacobsen on personal sightings on Vienna Game farm and subsequently added to by shareholder sightings.