As a board, we have decided to spend a great deal more time and effort on communication. We know and understand that we, as a board, represent all shareholders, and are committed to transparency on all the matters that we deal with, and the way in which we deal with them.

We look forward to greater engagement between shareholders in this wonderful community that we have created.

We do think it’s important that communication is open and accessible to all, that conversations are not dominated by a few at the expense of the many, and that any communication is undertaken in a manner that is measured and respectful.

We look forward to your feedback, which may be directed to:

Wildlife [photo]

Board email address:

  • Shareholders are welcome to contact specific board members should they wish to do so, but equally we would encourage shareholders to use the Jejane Board email address:
  • We undertake to respond to all communication as quickly as possible.

Office emails:

The office email addresses are as follows:

Jejane media:

  • The email address for all communication with regards to the Jejane PNR social media and internet accounts is
  • The Twitter and Instagram accounts are administered by Daimen van Blerk (Site 20) and Jean Michau (Site16).
  • The Facebook page is administered by Jim Thomson (Site17), Daimen van Blerk (Site 20) and Jean Michau (Site16).
  • The official Jejane PNR WhatsApp group “Jejane Sightings” is for Shareholders and Authorised Users to share current and historical sightings and Farm Management to relay information. Administered by Colin Anderson (Site 7) Jim Thomson (Site17), Daimen van Blerk (Site 20) Charmane Russell (Site 46) Rowan Burger (Site 10).
  • Social Media Guidelines and Etiquette

  • Etiquette refers to the conventions and norms of social behaviour. They are accepted codes of conduct with respect to interpersonal communication.
    • Social norms are regarded as collective representations of acceptable group conduct as well as individual perceptions of particular group conduct.
    • They can be viewed as cultural values, customs, and traditions which represent individuals' basic knowledge of what others do and think that they should do.
    • Social norms are informal understandings that govern the behaviour of members of a society
  • Social media is no exception including the official Jejane Facebook page, Whatsapp ‘Jejane Sightings’, Instagram and Twitter accounts ‘Jejane PNR’.
    • Always keep to the purpose of the group, do not share irrelevant topics, keep unnecessary “chatter” to an absolute minimum.
    • Members will be removed without discussion if they fail to respect other group members.