The MSNR/BPNR Predator Project was initiated by Trevor Kolk (Site 12) for Jejane shareholders and staff, in collaboration with Boston, Pridelands, Mossco and Nyala, to monitor the movement and identification of lion, leopard, cheetah and wild dog between the properties.

A comprehensive system is being established with grid maps to assist with identification and location.

Shareholders are encouraged to share their photos of predators via and on the MSNR/BPNR Predator Project Whatsapp group. Clear facial photos are beneficial in identifying whisker patterns.

Predator project [photo]
Predator project [photo]
Predator project [photo]
Predator project [photo]
Predator project [photo]
Predator project [photo]
Predator project [photo]

Photo credits

  • A Lategan
  • T Kolk
  • C Anderson

MSNR/BPNR Predator Project December 2020

Lion Pride Dynamics within the MSNR / BPNR region, Jejane, Boston, Prideland’s, Mossco and Nyala.

The Ngati Pride (as known by EcoTraining Prideland’s) or Southern Pride (as known by Jejane) consists of the following:
  • 2 Males:
    • These are the two dominant males within the region.
  • 7-8 Females:
    • Seen together about 6-months ago, since then recorded sightings of 5, on occasion 7-8 and occasionally lone females
  • 11 Cubs:
    • 1 female with 3 cubs,
    • 1 female with 4 cubs
    • 1 female with 4 cubs
    • Cubs ages are unknown, one litter is believed to have been born early- mid October. The mother of this litter was observed moving two of the cubs, estimated age a couple of weeks.
Other sightings:
  • 1 female known as Lagertha who spends most of her time on Prideland’s.
  • 1 Sub adult male (nomadic):
    • Originally 2 sub-adult males, but only 1 sub-adult male has been sighted recently. The fate of the 2nd sub-adult male is unknown
  • 2 Males (nomadic):
    • These two-males are often sighted in the Northern part of Jejane (Milly’s corner area). There have been sightings recorded of these males in the area of Snare Dam.

Thank you to shareholders for the sighting reports and sharing all your wonderful photos.

Leopard update coming next month

Predator project [photo]
Predator project [photo]
Predator project [photo]
Predator project [photo]
Predator project [photo]
Predator project [photo]
Predator project [photo]
Predator project [photo]